Monday, April 19, 2010

A Week In My Life...

April 19, 2010

Today I'm jumping on the bandwagon, the Ali Edwards bandwagon to document the next 7 days of my life!

What is it? Well it's basically a minibook scrapbook project of a week in my life and the life of my family of course.

You can find out more about the details here

I'm going to attempt a few firsts with this. My album will be 81/2x11 rather than my typical 12x12 and I am going to venture into the world of digital scrapbooking! Wish me luck on that! I'm also planning to blog about this week so I (a) don't forget what we've done this week and (b) use my blog!!

Today was a very average day in our life. Up at 7am, I read my bible, wrote in my journal a bit and made my kids lunches. Cole had his usual fit when the kids left for school, Ray drove them to the bus stop so I calmed him down with a bottle-of milk of course! Then it was tackling my usual morning and Monday activities, cleaning the kitchen, going through the unopened mail, checking email, responding to any RSVP's and printing out the children's homework and I watched the first video for the bible study, "Jesus the One and Only" that I am doing with Britt beginning this week. Since Cole has not been napping very well lately I wanted to get him to sleep for a nap earlier in the day so I gave him a bottle and put him to bed around 11:30am. Ray came home for lunch and I slid out to pick up photos and buy an SD card and a baseball bag for Blake. I arrived back home at 1pm and Cole was still awake!! Ray took him out of bed, changed his diaper and gave him a bottle and laid him down again. I took some time to read my book "Hawaii" by James Michener and then decided to lie down for a bit. Cole was still awake at 2pm. By 2:30pm when he was still awake and I decided to go exercise I was ticked off and I went into his room and shouted at him, "You stop fooling around and go to sleep now, right now!" Cole said "Okay" and went to sleep. Hmmm, didn't think it would be that simple. He slept until 5:30pm when I woke him up.

Our supper menu tonight was ham, corn and rice-wild for me and white for the rest of the gang. I had planned to cook asparagus too but it was already rotting even though the best before date wasn't until April 23rd. The boys are all outside right now practicing hitting, throwing and catching in preparation for baseball season. I'm off to tuck Peyton in to bed, she was back at school today for the first time since last Wednesday. She'd been sick with a stomach and I think a full day of school has really tired her out today so she says she doesn't feel well so it's aa early bedtime for her tonight!

This project just may bore everyone to tears, lol! It's such a beautiful evening outside tonight, I'm so very grateful that Ray can send some time with the boys outside tonight. He's a great dad and wonderful husband!

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