Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week In The Life 2012

**Long Post Ahead**
This is my third year participating in WITL and I must admit I wasn't sure if I really wanted to do it but when I was asked to work with the new Simple Stories Memory Works album by Scrap Shotz I decided it would work perfectly for this project!

The biggest difference between this year and previous years for me was putting the album together before the week of documenting began. I think I prefer having the base ready to go, similar to December Daily. I also limited myself to using only the Simple Stories "Documented" collection, no extra embellies or anything like that and that makes it quick to complete as well.

The album is 6x8 and I set it up with one 6x8 photo or thereabouts for the first page, followed by photos in divided page protectors which come with the album and insert pages which also are included with the album. The last page is the Ali Edwards journaling sheet, re-sized for this size of album so when I printed on it I had to print small :) .

I definitely have more journaling in this one than in previous years, probably not as many photos but I'm okay with that.

Here goes Week In the Life 2012:

Front Cover:
Title Page:
Monday, April 23
Tuesday, April 24
This page makes me smile because Cole decided he was going to fill it in for Mom.

Wednesday, April 25
I used a memorabilia envelope as a photo and journaling mat by opening it up.
Thursday, April 26
Friday, April 27
Saturday, April 28
Sunday, April 29
You'll notice I wrote absolutely nothing down on the final day...the photos also seem to get less and less as the week passes but I actually have more in here than it felt like I actually took.

Thanks for taking a look!


Anonymous said...

Hi !
I saw your album in the WITL-12 Flickr group and popped over to your blog. I love how it came out, you did a great job capturing the spirit of the week. The album itself is terrific! Love that 6x8 size, so nice to work with, and "limiting" yourself to one theme or set of products is very liberating isn't it?!

Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

Steff said...

I followed you from Ali's website. I love the more "scrapbook" look of your album. Very nice work! TYFS!

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